1. damr::single_file_metadata
    A simple toy metadata defining the experimental conditions of 32 animals monitored at the same time in a single DAM2 monitor. Each animal has its own channel (region_id), as well as a condition and genotype. It serves as an example for link_dam_metadata.
  2. damr::two_files_metadata
    A toy metadata defining the experimental conditions of 64 animals monitored at the same time in two separate DAM2 monitors. Each animal has its own channel (region_id), as well as a condition and genotype. It serves as an example for link_dam_metadata.
  3. zeitgebr::dams_sample
    A behavr table with approximately ten days of DAM2 recording for 32 fruit flies. The first 10, the following 11 and the last 11 animals have long, short and wild type period, respectively (see 'meta(dams_sample)').